Sky Kids channel brand
Through kids’ eyes… Anything is possible.
We really embraced our inner child for the brilliant new channel brand for Sky Kids. Our idents enter the vivid world of a kids imagination - From Bouncing Rockets and Breakdancing Robots, to pirate ducks and tattooed sheep… What fun!
Awarded a D&AD wood pencil in the channel brand category.
Rocket Bounce Ident
Toothpaste Squirt
Unicorn Floaty
Cactus Pop
Spaghetti vs. Fork
Windy Sheep
Pirate Duck
Whoopee Cushion Blow Off
Robot B-Boy
Jelly Wobble
Monster Skate
Sheep Sleep
Sky Kids process reel
Client: Sky Creative
Lead design and art direction: Luke Tilly
Design and animation: Luke Tilly, George Lewin, Emily Brown & Mark Paul
Creative director: Alex Haley
Design director: George Lewin
Senior producer: Lizanne Murphy-Kozlowski
Account director: Nat Lewy
Production Co-ord: Elizabeth Daniell
Executive Producer: Liz Arnott
3D animation: Moth Studio
Ident Director: Moth Studio & Sky Creative
Sound Design: Zelig Sound